Kitschy Christmas Elves: a Holiday Tradition

As I wait for the magic to happen tonight…

One of my favourite holiday decorations and traditions is the kitschy Christmas elf.


These adorable pixies of my childhood would magically appear in early December. My little sister and I would search our tiny home for the elves. These cute little guys would be found dangling from the living-room light fixture, peaking from behind the couch, or sitting on top of a picture frame, high up and out of reach from our small hands.

When our kids came along, Mom’s collection found its way into our home, and I’ve been adding new ones to the collection ever since.

Dating from the late 1950’s and 60’s, these vintage elves, also known as “knee hugger” pixies, come in all shapes and sizes, sporting solid or striped outfits and playful or mischievous expressions – enchanting vintage goodness!


IMG_0704I’m happy to see that these funny little elves have had a huge resurgence in recent years thanks to a book called “The Elf on the Shelf”. This elf arrives in a keepsake box along with a storybook. After the lucky child names the elf, it becomes magical, returning to the North Pole every night to report to Santa on whether the little one has been naughty or nice.

Though these elves are cute, enchanting, and admittedly, some are little creepy, one thing’s for sure: when they start to appear around our home, they bring the Christmas spirit with them.

Tonight they join Gord and I in wishing a Merry Christmas to all our friends and family near and far. We hope everyone has a healthy and joyous New Year filled with laughter and love.

We love to hear from you!